
Фрагмент из кейса

Ерл Джонс, вице-президент по вопросам закупок корпорации Red Sea, только что получил исследования Центра углубленного изучения закупок за 1996 год по...
ЗАО «Кстовский хлебозавод» является производителем хлебобулочных и кондитерских изделий, таких как: пряники, печенье, баранки, сушки, вафли, вафельные...

Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


In San Francisco, the US FAA and Australia’s Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism have reached a Memorandum of Understanding to continue research and development of clean, sustainable alternative aviation fuels.

US Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood and Australian Ambassador to the United States Kim Beazley signed the agreement at the APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) Transport & Energy Ministers Ministerial Conference Summit meetings in San Francisco.


Virgin Australia, Brisbane Airport Corporation and sustainable jet fuel company SkyNRG have announced a feasibility study into the creation of Australia’s first ‘bio-port’ at Brisbane Airport.

The three parties have agreed to enter a memorandum of understanding that will see them work together towards the ultimate goal of enabling aircraft to be fuelled with sustainable bio-jet fuel at BrisbaneAirport.


Boeing and Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China have opened a demonstration facility that will turn waste cooking oil into sustainable aviation biofuel. The two companies estimate that 1.8 billion litres of biofuel could be made annually in China from used cooking oil.

“Strong and continuing teamwork between Boeing and COMAC is helping our industry make progress on environmental challenges that no single company or country can solve alone,” said Ian Thomas, president, Boeing China. “By working together for mutual benefit, we’re finding innovative ways to support China’s aviation industry and build a sustainable future.”

Boeing and COMAC are sponsoring the facility, which is called the China-US Aviation Biofuel Pilot Project. It will use a technology developed by Hangzhou Energy & Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. (HEET) to clean contaminants from waste oils and convert it into jet fuel at a rate of 650 litres per day. The project’s goal is to assess the technical feasibility and cost of producing higher volumes of biofuel.


Boeing claims to have completed the world’s first flight using ‘green diesel’, a sustainable biofuel that is widely available and used in ground transportation. The company powered its ecoDemonstrator 787 flight test aircraft with a blend of 15 per cent green diesel and 85 per cent petroleum jet fuel in the left engine.

“Green diesel offers a tremendous opportunity to make sustainable aviation biofuel more available and more affordable for our customers,” said Julie Felgar, managing director of Environmental Strategy and Integration, Boeing Commercial Airplanes. “We will provide data from several ecoDemonstrator flights to support efforts to approve this fuel for commercial aviation and help meet our industry’s environmental goals.”

Sustainable green diesel is made from vegetable oils, waste cooking oil and waste animal fats. Boeing previously found that this fuel is chemically similar to HEFA (hydro-processed esters and fatty acids) aviation biofuel approved in 2011. Green diesel is chemically distinct and a different fuel product than biodiesel, which is also used in ground transportation.


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