
Фрагмент из кейса

Pentagon Plastics выпускает малые партии инжекторов для ряда производителей. Несколько лет назад эта компания столкнулась с новой проблемой, связанной с...
Расположенная в Таксоне, штат Аризона, компания Belle Tzell Cell производила аккумуляторные батареи одного стандартного размера для переносных...

Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Компания Samsung Electronics завершила крупный проект автоматизации логистического центра Samsung Russian Distribution Center. Общим управлением проекта занималась дочерняя ИТ-компания Samsung SDS Co. Корейская компания EXE c&t Co была ответственна за разработку и внедрение системы управления двором (YMS), Visibility-системы, интеграционной платформы, внедрение системы управления складом Manhattan Associates WMOS, осуществляла общий логистический консалтинг. Компания «Корус Консалтинг» участвовала в создании дизайна системы Manhattan Associates WMOS, настройке, тестировании, обучении администраторов, ключевых пользователей, разработке отчетов.


Weber Distribution, a third-party logistics and supply chain management provider (3PL), has changed its name to Weber Logistics, effective immediately.

“Our name change to Weber Logistics is long overdue,” explains Bill Butler, Weber’s president and CEO. “We have been providing multiple supply chain offerings to our customers for many years. The name ‘Logistics’ is far more descriptive of what we do for our customers and it covers a broader range of supply chain services.”


Berendsen, one of Europe's leading textile service companies with service in 13 countries, plans to optimize its distribution with supply chain planning solutions from Ortec.

"The customer oriented service delivery of Berendsen relies heavily on a professional planning of the distribution process for its success," says Ralf Richters, project manager at Berendsen. The company hopes to improve and enhance its service levels by implementing the planning software.


UPS has opened a new distribution center at the Calgary International Airport (YYC) to provide businesses with direct access to the U.S. and international markets. The facility, built at a cost of $30 million, is designed to allow local Alberta businesses to tap into global growth markets such as China, India and Mexico.

"Despite the recent recession, Calgary's economy still stands as a growth engine for Canada with many businesses in the area looking to take advantage of emerging markets overseas," says Mike Tierney, president of UPS Canada. "The rise of middle classes in China and India offers great potential to businesses in the Calgary area."


Gue observes that there are three primary models for delivering goods to retail stores:

1. Traditional Warehousing/Distribution, in which vendors ship goods to retail DCs, where the goods are stored until store orders need fulfilled, where they are then picked (often using a "wave" process" for batches of stores) and delivered to the stores.

2. Crossdock DCs, in which shipments from inbound suppliers are moved directly to outbound vehicles, with very little if any storage in between. In the best possible situation, products never touch the floor or a shelf, though some amount of staging is often used.

3. Direct to Store Delivery, in which vendors ship goods directly from their own facilities to retail store outlets.


What is a "performance culture" in distribution center operations? And what does it take to get there?

The term, originally coined by the consultants at Kurt Salmon Associates, has moved into the wider distribution lexicon, though not pervasively so. Still, it is increasingly common to hear logistics executives and distribution center managers to speak of their success in building a "performance culture" in their operations, or their plans to get there.

We're not sure, however, that there is a clear definition of what the term means, or how a company knows when its DC operations have moved to this state of goodness. Search Google on the term "performance culture in distribution," and what shows up are a few entries from previous work SCDigest/SCTV have done in this area and little else.


There are many good reasons for cutting use of electric power in a distribution center, including lower operating costs and reduced carbon emissions, but in some areas of the world, it may be more a matter of absolute necessity.

Such is the case with Adcock Ingram, a South African manufacturer and distributors of pharmaceuticals and over the counter medicines. A few years ago, the company was split out as an independent company again after it had been earlier acquired, and needed to find some additional distribution space as it no longer would use the acquiring company's DCs.


Fortna is assisting Tech Data Corp., a distributor of technology products, as it continues to implement new systems and processes to further strengthen its supply chain operations in the United States. Fortna has retrofitted three of Tech Data's U.S. logistics centers with FortnaWCS, helping to increase visibility into daily order volume and create new efficiencies by enhancing the capabilities of existing warehouse management systems and automation capabilities.


Акцент на экологичности автотранспорта в Европе уже давно известный факт. Но если частное лицо не всегда готово поставить экологию в приоритет, но коммунальные службы давно сделали свой выбор.


Cliff Holste, Materials Handling Editor

As we have reported extensively, a new generation of automated case picking systems in distribution is here, offering a new and growing set of technologies that we think can dramatically change distribution processes and costs for many companies.


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