
Фрагмент из кейса

Начав как маленький розничный магазин в Нью-Гларусе, штат Висконсин, фирма Cheezy Wheezy постепенно выросла в сеть из девяти розничных магазинов,...
Дон Уиллит работал в качестве консультанта по выбору поставщиков и осуществлению проекта по переоборудованию компьютерных систем для одного из мегаполисов...

Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)

logistics industry

In Australia, there are thousands of managers and employees within the transport and logistics industry, and with the doubling of the freight task forecasted over the next ten years, the demand for competent professionals skilled in logistics, supply chain management and transport will increase. How will you differentiate yourself from the many competitors for your next role? How will you stay abreast of contemporary issues within an industry requiring an integrated and holistic approach to decision-making? Becoming a Certified Professional Logistician (CPL) is the means of achieving this and much more. For the first time, those in the supply chain, transport and logistics industry can be formally recognised, just as in other industries, as professionals.

CPL: Recognising professionals

The CPL is the solution to remaining current in industry and an ideal formal certification for recognising your accomplishments and experience as a professional logistician who has a commitment to continuous improvement. In essence, it becomes your competitive advantage.

Qualifications such as the CPL have become the benchmark for quality and professional development in other industries, for example, the CPA in accountancy, CPV in valuing, CPC in conveyancing and CPM in marketing. Similar to these qualifications, CPL is a nationally recognised certification of your ongoing contribution to the industry. As opposed to university programs, the CPL considers a range of educational programs from short courses through to degree programs, participation at professional development courses, and applied industry practice and experience in determining eligibility. Essentially, being recognised as a CPL means being recognised as a professional.


The utilization of the DWS, Dimensioning Weighing Scanning, has become a necessity for the logistics industry. A DWS provides an essential solution to the demands of increased competition in the world's logistics marketplace. All businesses are operating in a world that demands ultra efficient methods to reduce costs and avoid price increases, while striving to find new solutions to generate revenue.

Parcel shippers face a highly competitive business environment. Fortunately, OCS is able to deliver multiple turnkey solutions to suit the needs of our customers.  Our in-motion scales are certified by NTEP, MID, and OIML. These certifications provide the assurance that OCS has a proven product line to meet the various legal for trade requirements in any marketplace.


U.S. business logistics costs – the costs to transport and warehouse goods –  rose to 8.3% of U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2010, as compared to 7.7% the previous year, according to the 22nd State of Logistics Report, an annual report from Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), a trade association. According to the report, logistics costs in 2010 were roughly on par with 2005, and still well below the pre-recession years.


Total U.S. logistics costs dropped in 2009, reflecting the effects of the recession and showing a significant decrease from 2008, according to the 21st State of Logistics Report, an annual report released by the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP). Business logistics costs fell to 7.7% of U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2009, as compared to 9.3% the previous year.

Interest rates remained historically low, and this, combined with lower inventory levels, pushed the interest paid on inventories down over 89% from 2008 levels.


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