
Фрагмент из кейса

Томское предприятие химической промышленности производит лакокрасочные материалы, а также некоторые другие виды продукции, в частности метанол....
Перед Джоном Коутом. сотрудником отдела закупок компании Emab. стояла задача составить рекомендацию. Через 8 месяцев компания Emab должна была остановить...

Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Innovative Automotive Logistics Application helps DHL keep the Production Line Running While Reducing CO2.

Parsec Systems, an innovative UK based Solutions Developer, has announced details of a successful project for DHL Supply Chain, the contract logistics arm of DHL, which is helping to ensure thousands of parts per day are delivered to a major automotive manufacturer's various manufacturing facilities across Europe.


Shearer's Foods Inc., a producer of snack foods, is experiencing improvements across its operations after implementing route accounting and mobile sales solutions to support 100 direct store delivery routes across Ohio and Pennsylvania. Shearer's Foods is utilizing HighJump Route Administrator and HighJump Route Assistant from  HighJump Software, a provider of supply chain execution solutions.


Furniture and appliance retailer Brault & Martineau has selected the Mobile Resource Management (MRM) 2.0 solution from Descartes Systems Group to help manage its home delivery fleet. The solutions combine route planning, optimization, tracking and GPS-enabled mobile wireless technology.

“The solution enables us to offer our clients a choice when it comes to delivery scheduling,” explains Pierre Pecquet, vice president, operations and finance at Brault & Martineau. “Being mindful of the importance of time management for today's customer, we have undertaken to procure a solution that will benefit both our company and the general public. By making our delivery routes more efficient, we not only reduce our delivery costs, but we also reduce fleet emissions that may otherwise contribute to the greenhouse effect."


The Federal Government says a new cornerstone has been laid to help Australia’s freight logistics industries to cost effectively connect regions and cities to the world, with the launch of the national key freight routes map as an interactive online tool.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Warren Truss said the online map details key road and rail routes used by freight operators throughout the country.

“The map provides a detailed picture of the road and rail routes connecting Australia’s nationally significant places for freight, including ports, airports and intermodal terminals,” Mr Truss said.


Loveland Distributing Company is implementing distribution planning software to optimize delivery routing of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks such as Red Bull, Sweet Leaf Tea, and Nesquik to 3,000 licensed retailers, including Walmart, Food Lion, Kroger and 7-Eleven.

Loveland will use the solution, from Paragon Software Systems, to automate the planning of 20 optimized routes across the state of Virginia. This includes several counties and the city of Richmond. These routes service around 500 customers each day.


Wisconsin Distributors and Erie Beer, two Anheuser-Busch InBev wholesalers, have implemented route accounting system solutions to power their beer distribution operations. The wholesalers implemented RouteCenter software from HighJump Software to manage their growing direct store delivery (DSD) operations.

Erie Beer distributes three million cases per year and is based in Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin Distributors distributes six million cases each year and is located in Wisconsin. RouteCenter manages the distributors' selling, delivery, inventory and settlement processes. Additionally, the route accounting system (RAS) works in conjunction with the Anheuser-Busch Mobility solution to extend the solution to the store shelf.


Відтепер представники Міністерства інфраструктури та Укртрансбезпеки братимуть участь в діяльності Euro Contr?le Route, щоправда наразі без права голосу.

Члени Наглядового комітету Euro Contr?le Route одноголосно затвердили рішення про прийняття пропозиції Міністерства інфраструктури України працювати з «Європейським дорожнім контролем» на постійній основі. Про це 15 червня 2016 року повідомив заступник Міністра інфраструктури Юрій Лавренюк, який перебуває на чолі спеціальної делегації у Вільнюсі.


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