
Фрагмент из кейса

Pentagon Plastics выпускает малые партии инжекторов для ряда производителей. Несколько лет назад эта компания столкнулась с новой проблемой, связанной с...
Компания Rakowski Industrial Vacuum со штаб-квартирой в Чаттануга, штат Теннеси, производила промышленные пылесосы высокого качества, которые продавала на...

Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Ships powered by skysails and solar, gas-powered locomotives and the use of biofuel are just some of the future technologies that could help to make the freight industry more sustainable, according to the South Australian Freight Council (SAFC) (www.safreightcouncil.com.au/).

SAFC believes that the freight industry has a responsibility to become more sustainable and reduce its impact on the environment.

The council has released a discussion paper, Green Freight, which is aimed at highlighting current industry efforts to become more sustainable, and discusses future initiatives that the industry could adopt.

SAFC CEO Neil Murphy said it was clear that the environment played an increasing role in transport and logistics and that action needed to be taken within the freight industry.


Craemer has reacted to the demands made by the logistics industry for an alternative to the wooden ‘Dusseldorfer' pallet and has developed a load carrier which offers higher levels of sustainability, functionality and longevity; whilst at the same time, enables universal usage across the entire supply chain, with an innovative half pallet concept.

Craemer ECOmax is the new first plastic half-pallet logistics that can provide an alternative solution to the old style wooden ‘Dusseldorfer' type of pallet that does not always meet hygienic, durability or high professional standards as required in the pallet exchange pools.


Roads in Finland in 2020 will hum to the sound of low-emission vehicles running on renewable energy, electricity, hydrogen and sustainable biofuels. The share of public transport and car pooling in densely populated urban areas will increase. Mobility arranged through easy-to-use services will become a viable alternative to buying a private car.

VTT’s TransSmart vision of a model country for sustainable transport throws the spotlight on efficiency – in vehicles, systems, and services. Transport will be a fusion of sustainable energy sources, advanced technology, safety, high service levels, mobility alternatives and new ways of operating.

VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland) is the biggest multitechnological applied research organisation in Northern Europe, working on high-end technology.

“Fine-tuning vehicles or developing renewable fuels will simply not be enough in the long run. The entire system needs revamping. You won’t make the world a better place by filling Helsinki with electric cars, for example. They take up just as much room as conventional cars running on petrol or diesel.


A new website aimed to provide easy access to ‘green freight’ information for South Australia’s $8 billion a year transport and logistics industry has been unveiled.

The site is designed to act as a conduit between the freight and logistics industry (and its customers), relevant environmental and sustainability resources, governments and the general public.

The website Sustainable Freight (www.sustainablefreight.com.au/) was officially launched by the South Australian Freight Council at its inaugural national conference that also saw Senator Nick Xenophon and Minister for Cities and the Built Environment Jamie Briggs present.

The new website reflects SAFC’s ongoing commitment to addressing environmental issues and promoting a ‘whole of chain’ approach to the environment, across the transport and logistics industry and across the modes.


Kalmar, part of Cargotec, has revised its vision for Port 2060 and is launching a new video (www.kalmarglobal.com/news--insights) to depict how the sustainable future of cargo handling will look like in the year 2060.

According to Kalmar’s renewed vision for cargo handling in 2060, data has fundamentally changed the way the world trade operates, making it more efficient, safe and sustainable. People will live in smart cities that are part of a global ecosystem where consumer demand drives logistics and cargo handling industry.

“In 2060, we believe that services will be more personalised and efficient. Specialised items, such as your favourite blend of coffee, can be ordered directly from a local producer. Goods will be moved rapidly around the world in smart containers that know their contents and destination. Everything will be automated and highly efficient,” said Frank  Kho, vice president, market intelligence, strategy and development and a member of the ‘Port 2060 Think Tank’.


Российская столица впервые в 2015 году приняла участие в состязании городов мира по развитию транспорта. И сразу же вошла в тройку лидеров престижной международной премии Sustainable Transport Award, которая присуждается за устойчивое транспортное развитие. 

Москва вышла в финал престижной мировой премии за улучшение транспортной ситуации в городе. Об этом сообщил во вторник мэр столицы Сергей Собянин, пишет агентство ТАСС. 

"Мы фиксируем улучшение и регулярность движения общественного транспорта. В 2015 году городским транспортом воспользовались на 600 млн человек больше, чем в 2014-м. Негативные тенденции в транспорте постепенно уходят, Москва вышла в финал престижной премии за улучшение транспортной ситуации", - сказал Собянин на заседании президиума городского правительства. 

По словам мэра, за последние годы в городе проведена колоссальная работа по организации движения транспорта, работы метро, автобусов, трамваев и троллейбусов, пригородного транспорта. "В целом, несмотря на то, что каждый год количество автомобилей в Москве и Московской области значительно прибывает, удалось преломить негативную ситуацию, существовавшую десятилетиями", - сказал Собянин. 


Опыт использования языка программирования R при решении задач городской логистики (обзор курса Sustainable urban freight transport) [Experience of using the R programming language in solving urban logistics problems (review of the course Sustainable urban freight transport); Досвід використання мови програмування R при вирішенні завдань міської логістики (огляд курсу Sustainable urban freight transport)]


Аннотация: Рассмотрены вопросы использования языка программирования R в рамках дистанционных курсов по логистике. Приведен пример расчета маршрутов в условиях города.

Abstract: The issues of using the R programming language in the framework of distance logistics courses are considered. An example of calculating routes in the conditions of the city is given.

Анотація: Розглянуто питання використання мови програмування R в рамках дистанційних курсів з логістики. Наведено приклад розрахунку маршрутів в умовах міста.


Ключевые слова: язык программирования R, городская логистика, маршрут, пример, RStudio

Keywords: programming language R, urban logistics, route, example, RStudio

Ключові слова: мова програмування R, міська логістика, маршрут, приклад, RStudio



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Logistics-GR - теория и практика логистики и транспорта

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