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Transport and logistics staff wellbeing programs pay big dividents

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Материал из категории  News of logistics (in English)
04.08.2013 11:13

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Looking after your staff yields big returns, according to new data from DTC Group.

The DTC research found investing in employees’ wellbeing provides a direct cost benefit back to transport and logistics employers of more than $13,000 annually per employee. The data also found that absenteeism can be slashed by an average of one-third across all industries combined.

“We all know that looking after employees is the right thing to do for the health of your people, but now we know it’s also the right thing for the financial strength of your business,” DTC CEO Michele Grow commented.

“Far from being just a ‘tick-the-box’ exercise, this data shows that taking an active role in supporting your staff can reap significant dividends for the business.”

The transport and logistics industry data comes from what is claimed to be the largest-ever review of workplace well-being programs, with a sample size of over 4,700 individuals across a range of industries, compiled by DTC on an annual basis. This is the first time the results have been released publicly.

As the focus on the importance of employees’ physical and mental health in relation to their work continues to grow, the research measures and quantifies the return on investment from employee assistance programs (EAP). The study reviewed individuals’ functioning and wellbeing prior to and following participation in the EAP.

The EAP is a service that organisations can provide for their employees and related family members. For individuals it provides access to confidential counselling, coaching and information on a range of work and personal issues at no cost to the employee.

Looking after staff delivers financial boost to business

Based on data from 4,707 DTC clients, the study found that the EAP provides a cost benefit of $10,187.99 in productivity improvements per year for each employee who uses the program across all industries, and $13,153.44 in the transport and logistics industry. This is a direct cost benefit back to the business, with employees more productive in their day-to-day work following participation in the program.

In addition, the study also found a huge cut in absenteeism across all industries following the EAP, with staff taking 32 per cent fewer days off.

“Employees can be impacted by any number of stressors affecting both their personal and work functioning, which, in turn, can have a negative impact on an organisation’s productivity and profitability,” Ms Grow said.

“Investing in the health and wellbeing of employees through interventions such as employee assistance programs can help ensuring they are operating are at optimum levels, thereby benefiting the business’s bottom line.”

Of the measures assessed in the transport and logistics industry, emotional wellbeing showed the greatest improvement following the EAP, with a massive 92 per cent improvement rate. This was followed by morale and motivation in the workplace, with an improvement rate of 56 per cent. Workplace productivity increased by just over a quarter. Transport and logistics outranked the all-industries average on each of these measures.

All industries reap benefits

“Employees in all industries are impacted by psychological, physical and financial issues and it is important that services are available to help them. We found excellent improvement rates across health and wellbeing following the DTC EAP across a broad range of industry sectors, from mining and manufacturing, to banking and finance, to government,” Ms. Grow commented.

“We also found that both males and females of all ages respond well to the EAP, with females showing slightly higher levels of improvement in levels of emotional wellbeing, work-life management and work relationships.”


Source: http://www.tandlnews.com.au/

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