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TV Group joins the Future Logistics Living Lab in Australia

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Материал из категории  News of logistics (in English)
04.08.2013 11:16

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PTV Group has become the latest participant in the Future Logistics Living Lab Australia.

In the lab, one won’t find men in white coats, but rather an interactive demonstration space for cutting-edge technologies and a living community of industry, research and government experts. These sectors work together to find innovative solutions to operational challenges facing the Australian logistics industry. The lab also provides a productive platform to develop, test and demonstrate new technologies.

New to the Australian logistics industry

“It is a vote of confidence,” says Joost Bekker, business development director at PTV Asia Pacific, about PTV Group’s participation in the lab. “The lab looks to bring together leading industry participants. PTV Group can bring tangible experience and innovative technology to support the lab in developing new solutions.”

The lab’s primary objective is to develop innovative solutions for the Australian logistics industry so that logistics transport chains can become more efficient, environmentally-friendly and safer. Special emphasis is placed on aspects such as rising fuel costs, increasing levels of congestion, the reduction of emissions and the improvement of traffic safety.

Double commitment by PTV

The PTV Group offers solutions for the traffic, mobility as well as logistics industries. The PTV Concepts & Solutions division unites experts from the transport and logistics industry, transportation planning, development planning, economics, information technology and project management. PTV Group’s key input into the lab is concerned with technological know-how from the transportation planning industry and traffic technology on the one hand, and on the other hand broad experience with logistic technologies. In terms of logistics, the PTV xServers are particularly useful as they suit the development of new innovative solutions.

“With these components the emissions of a transport chain can be calculated down to drop level,” according to Mr Bekker.

“We support different industries in becoming more efficient, productive and in sustainably reducing the costs with reference to the emission of exhaust gases. A better quality of life for today’s and future generations,” said Neil Temperley, leader of the lab.

“A strong community of active participants is the key to the lab addressing these challenges, testing new ideas and implementing change.”

The size of the laboratory enables the low-cost development of really new ideas and prototypes in a low-risk environment.

The Living Lab today and in the future

The Future Logistics Living Lab in Sydney was established by NICTA (National ICT Australia) in collaboration with Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering and SAP AG. The Living Lab is set up at NICTA’s premises in the AustralianTechnologyPark in Sydney and features an exhibition, event and work space of 200 m2, and futuristic demonstrations showcase technologies created and tested by participants of the lab. The lab is also a member of the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL), the international federation of benchmarked Living Labs with over 300 labs in Europe and around the world.

Today, the network of Australia’s first Living Lab has more than thirty participants, who work together to exchange experience, discuss trends, innovate and research to jointly shape the future of logistics.


Source: http://www.tandlnews.com.au/

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