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Achieve professional recognition in the transport and logistics industry

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Материал из категории  News of logistics (in English)
15.03.2015 22:41

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In Australia, there are thousands of managers and employees within the transport and logistics industry, and with the doubling of the freight task forecasted over the next ten years, the demand for competent professionals skilled in logistics, supply chain management and transport will increase. How will you differentiate yourself from the many competitors for your next role? How will you stay abreast of contemporary issues within an industry requiring an integrated and holistic approach to decision-making? Becoming a Certified Professional Logistician (CPL) is the means of achieving this and much more. For the first time, those in the supply chain, transport and logistics industry can be formally recognised, just as in other industries, as professionals.

CPL: Recognising professionals

The CPL is the solution to remaining current in industry and an ideal formal certification for recognising your accomplishments and experience as a professional logistician who has a commitment to continuous improvement. In essence, it becomes your competitive advantage.

Qualifications such as the CPL have become the benchmark for quality and professional development in other industries, for example, the CPA in accountancy, CPV in valuing, CPC in conveyancing and CPM in marketing. Similar to these qualifications, CPL is a nationally recognised certification of your ongoing contribution to the industry. As opposed to university programs, the CPL considers a range of educational programs from short courses through to degree programs, participation at professional development courses, and applied industry practice and experience in determining eligibility. Essentially, being recognised as a CPL means being recognised as a professional.

CPL spotlight: Chris Edwards, CPL

Chris Edwards, the bid and program support manager at Protected Vehicles at Thales Australia, is a prime example of a logistics professional with almost 30 years in the industry.

So why after so much experience in the industry did he decide to become a CPL?

“I recognised that is was unlikely that I would be able to return to university to acquire a degree-level qualification, but that after nearly thirty years in logistics, I have a lot of skills, qualifications and experience, as well as participating in a number of logistics seminars and short courses that do have a lot to offer industry. To me, CPL sends a message that I have reached a level of achievement in my industry and that I have been recognised by an industry body as having a high level of competence’.

Why become a CPL?

For the accomplished professional, the CPL is the national benchmark recognising your status in the industry by acknowledging your knowledge, skills and experience acquired over many years. Achieving CPL status is also a recognition of your ongoing commitment to continual improvement and excellence.

For those progressing through their careers, the CPL provides a pathway to professional recognition by offering an extensive range of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programmes that ensures your aspirations are achieved and your knowledge is positioned at the leading edge of the profession. The CPD activities also provide valuable opportunities for networking with other like-minded professionals.

In addition, achieving CPL status entitles the use of the post nominal ‘CPL’ after your name, a tangible reminder to others of your professional status and a commitment to a code of professional conduct, ensuring the highest standards of ethics and integrity.

Who becomes a CPL?

With job titles such as procurement and logistics manager, vendor management specialist, global materials manager, procurement officer, supply chain operations analyst, supply manager and, logistics manager, it is clear that a CPL is the certification relevant for anyone who is serious about being a professional in their career in the supply chain, transport and logistics industry.

Professionals in the industry have a variety of reasons for applying for CPL certification, whether it is to gain:

- Recognition of skills, experience and qualifications.

- Networking opportunities with like-minded professionals.

- Exposure to new logistics and supply chain management practices.

- Access to continuing professional development activities.

To maintain membership, CPL recipients must undertake ongoing professional development to ensure currency in industry knowledge and trends as well as continue their contribution to the industry.

How do I become a CPL?

Applicants to become a CPL will usually have:

- A minimum of five to ten years industry experience.

- A qualification relevant to the transport and logistics industry or five years managerial experience.

- Regular participation in professional development programs.

- Current professional membership of one of the three member associations of the Certification Council.

The pathway to certification is varied to reflect the various ranges of experience, achievements, qualifications, and industry-related activities that reflect a professional in today’s industry. The CPL website enables an initial check on your eligibility before applying for assessment. A total of 400 points must be accumulated as well as a commitment of 120 hours of ongoing professional development every three years after achieving CPL status.

Next step to becoming a CPL

Apply now by visiting www.cplinstitute.com and become recognised in the industry for your achievements.

The CPL programme is accredited by the Transport and Logistics Certification Council (TLCC), this council oversees the management of the programme and the regular auditing of the professional standards.

Individuals may choose to apply via the following professional associations:

- Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Australia (CILTA).

- Supply Chain and Logistics Association of Australia (SCLAA).


Source: http://tandlnews.com.au/

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