
Фрагмент из кейса

8 апреля Джо Тэйлору, менеджеру по закупкам больницы Св. Дональда, позвонил Джеймс Кокер, новый директор электростанции больницы. Кокер был озабочен...
В понедельник 24 апреля Ал Смит, директор производства компании Super Stamps and Products Inc., размышлял над тем, как сохранить их отношения с...

Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Arysta LifeScience North America, an agroscience and life science product provider, has developed and deployed a returnable/reusable container tracking application in support of its new MIDAS soil fumigant product launch. The system leverages both RFID and GPS technologies to track and control returnable tanks as Arysta LifeScience mixes, fills and ships them to customers around the U.S., and will provide Arysta LifeScience with real-time visibility of finished product inventories, raw material inventories and the location of the tanks.


For the first time since mid-2008, average global container freight rates experienced a year-on-year increase in late 2009, according to a report from U.K.-based consulting firm Drewry. The Drewry Global Freight Rate Index recovered by 3% in the year to November 2009, after collapsing the first half of 2009, increasing by 18% between July and September 2009 and rising by another 6% between September and November 2009.


A new container design is set to change the economics of shipping palletised cargo, allowing cargo owners and consolidators to increase significantly the volume of cargo shipped at any one time.


Import cargo volume at the nation's major retail container ports is expected to be up 8% in April compared with the same month a year ago, and solid increases are expected to continue through the summer as the U.S. economy improves, according to the monthly Global Port Tracker report from the National Retail Federation (NRF) and consulting firm Hackett Associates.

"Retail sales are starting to improve and retailers are importing merchandise in the quantities they need to meet that demand," says Jonathan Gold, NRF's vice president for supply chain and Customs policy. "We expect these numbers to continue to climb as merchants and their customers move away from the recession and back toward normal shopping habits."


Разработчики не оставляют попыток усовершенствовать стандартный контейнер. Рацпредложение британской Container Group Technology – контейнер, который в длину 20 футов не только снаружи, но и изнутри.


WA-owned and operated rail transport and logistics company Intermodal Group has had a record-breaking month at the North Quay Rail Terminal (NQRT) at Fremantle’s InnerHarbour, processing more than 10,000 containers for both import and export in May.

This is the highest volume recorded by the group since it commenced operations at NQRT in 2007.

Approximately 80% of volumes currently received at NQRT are transported by Intermodal’s rail service from its Forrestfield Intermodal Rail Terminal (FIT). Intermodal is the exclusive operator of the NQRT to Kewdale-Forrestfield rail corridor. The remaining 20% is from the Kalgoorlie and Kwinana line services, are operated by other providers.

Container volumes at FIT were also at record levels in May – over 8,000 containers contributed to the short haul rail shuttle service.

Containers were transported and processed predominantly on behalf of clients in the agriculture, resources and events industries.


Are the giant megaships increasing supply chain costs for everyone but the ocean carriers themselves?

That's the unfortunate situation, according to Chris Welsh, secretary-general of the European-based Global Shippers Forum, an industry lobby, who spoke at an industry conference last week. 

The growing size and number of container megaships is causing high costs and delays throughout the supply chain - costs paid for by ports, shippers, terminals and others parties, not the container lines, Welsh said.

He noted for example that there are giant traffic jams of drayage trucks at the port of Hamburg, Europe's third busiest port, the result of the average number of container moves per vessel increasing from 2,000 to 2,500 a few years ago to between 6,000 and 7,000 today. That increase in container moves per terminal stop also causes long unloading times in addition to the traffic woes and delays.


A container terminal at Newcastle would be good for people living in northern NSW because the cost of transporting goods to and from the port will be lower, obviously, than with Port Botany.

Low-cost access to a container terminal is a vital ingredient in the successful future of any economic region worldwide – container ports drive new supply chains, markets and infrastructure.


The decision of certain container shipping lines to reduce the free time available for import containers to be de-hired will increase international trade costs inAustraliafor both importers and exporters.


Brambles, the Australian the parent company of the CHEP pallet business, moved into the plastic container and limited use wood pallet market this week as it announced its intent to acquire Dutch-based IFCO Systems, creatng a global pallet and container giant.

It is not a small deal, with Brambles paying some $1.25 billion dollars to acquire IFCO from its current private equity owner.

IFCO currently has revenues of about $750 million dollars, and when the deal is approved the acquisition will increase total CHEP sales by about 16%.

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