
Фрагмент из кейса

Г-жа Дениз Зидель, менеджер по корпоративным закупкам компании Saucy Foods Limited (SFL) намеревалась выступить с предложением о производстве горчицы на...
15 июня Джон Смит, координатор по закупке оборудования больницы Bishop, просматривал три предложения по предоставлению услуг по хранению старых...

Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Konigshaven Suppliers — это оптовое предприятие, специализирующееся на продуктах питания и поставляющее их в супермаркеты в южных регионах Дании.  

Применяемая в этой компании бухгалтерская система на основе стандартных издержек не позволяет определить логистические издержки отдельно, а это, в свою очередь, затрудняет определение участков, на которых затраты особенно высоки, или тех, где особенно требуется совершенствование. Чтобы сделать ситуацию более понятной, компания провела исследования на одном из основных складов. Хотя в ряде случаев она воспользовалась оценочными результатами и прибегла к упрощениям, в целом ее специалисты полагают, что полученные данные достаточно реалистичны. Они свидетельствуют, что затраты на каждые 100 000 евро чистых продаж таковы.


Family Express, a chain of convenience stores and fueling centers with 52 retail locations, is pursuing operational supply chain efficiencies and productivity gains via the automation of traditional human processes with Osiris Innovations Group (OIG), a provider of supply chain management and supplier enablement solutions.

"The virtual warehouse approach for ordering the items we need for daily operations simplifies the process at each location and strengthens our supplier relationships as a whole," says Gus Olympidis, president and CEO of Family Express.


The PTV Group, which supplies software for mapping, routing, geocoding and optimisation, will be launching its logistics software products for the first time in Melbourne at the Advanced Logistics & Materials Handling conference, 19 – 21 March.


Retail giant Walmart has launched an effort, with the backing of First Lady Michelle Obama, aimed at offering its customers healthier and more affordable food choices. The five key elements of the program include:

Reformulating thousands of everyday packaged food items by 2015 by reducing sodium 25% and added sugars 10%, and by removing all remaining industrially produced trans fats. The company will work with suppliers to improve the nutritional quality of national food brands and its Great Value private brand in key product categories to complete the reformulations.


While world-class procurement organizations continue to outperform their peers in driving supplier diversity spending, a new study by strategic advisory firm The Hackett Group Inc. identifies several critical ways that most companies fail in their supplier diversity programs. Hackett's latest research found that companies with world-class procurement organizations commit 33% more of their spend to diverse suppliers (13.3% of total spend for world-class versus 10.0% for typical companies).

But according to Hackett's research, most companies still make major errors in how they operate and measure the performance of their supplier diversity efforts. Most rely on overly simplistic measures to evaluate the progress of supplier diversity programs, and never truly assess whether programs are meeting corporate objectives. Most companies also fail to consider whether a few large suppliers or many smaller suppliers best supports their corporate goals. Hackett's research also quantified the positive and negative impact that globalization is having on supplier diversity efforts.


Consumer packaged goods giant The Procter & Gamble Company has launched the Supplier Environmental Sustainability Scorecard and rating process to measure and improve the environmental performance of its key suppliers. The new scorecard will assess P&G suppliers' environmental footprint and encourage continued improvement by measuring energy use, water use, waste disposal and greenhouse gas emissions on a year-to-year basis.

It is hoped that this work will lay the foundation for an industry standard and the scorecard will be "open code" for use by any organization to help promote a working discussion and determine common supply chain evaluation processes across all industries.


It is frequently interesting to see how other companies measure various aspects of their supply chains.

This week, we take a look at how Hologic, a medical equipment manufacturer headquartered in Beford, MA, measures its procurement processes and suppliers, under the leadership of Tim Bye, director of supply chain for $1.6 billion manufacturer.

According to Bye, key process steps and metrics for the procurement organization at Hologic are organized as follows:


Exactly how many suppliers are there in the global supply chain? According to a multi-year analysis of suppliers to Fortune 1000 suppliers conducted by CVM Solutions, there are approximately 4.9 million unique suppliers in use by Fortune 1000 companies, of which only 309,790 (6%) were used by two or more companies in 2009. This number has decreased 15% from 366,356 in 2008.


IBM is the latest large company to announce a new Green supply chain initiative, using its purchasing clout to drive suppliers into more environmentally-friendly supply chain strategies. However, the requirements are designed to be flexible, IBM says, to meet the specifics of each supplier's size and business operations.

The tech giant announced late last week that it was pursuing a strategy that was expansive in scope and will leverage its huge purchasing clout, but one which will nevertheless recognize the uniqueness of each supplier.


The Comau Div. of Fiat increased the speed of its cross-border shipments without impacting its bottom line.


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