
Фрагмент из кейса

Конрад и Элизабет Коль (Conrad, Elizabeth Kole) переехали на ферму Hessingen в 1983 г. За последние несколько лет их доход от продажи молока и...
С Ире Поллаком трудно работать. Обязанный самому себе своим миллионным состоянием, он платил чрезвычайно высокие оклады, но и многого требовал от своих...

Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Demands on today’s logistics professionals are at an all-time high and this pressure shows no sign of letting up. The steadfast focus on keeping costs low while delivering a greater level of service can tax even the most seasoned professional.

So, how do you find the balance between low cost and higher service requirements? How do you optimize transportation management in today’s fluid, global, omni-channel world?

Success requires the ability to think strategically while exploiting tactical opportunities. This has become a crucial challenge for any company with products to deliver. Here we will review the latest business challenges that are driving initiatives in transportation and outline five key factors that help achieve transportation success, control costs, take charge of the transportation process, and ensure outstanding customer service.



Oldcastle Inc., a manufacturer of building products, is implementing private fleet management and transportation management systems (TMS) solutions from Descartes Systems Group  to manage its delivery processes for its products and distribution groups.

Oldcastle was looking to improve the performance of its operations by improved management of its own dedicated fleet of vehicles and third-party delivery carriers. Oldcastle is implementing Descartes' Transportation Manager, Route Planner and Automatic Vehicle Locator (AVL) solutions to manage its delivery processes. As part of the solution, Descartes' Global Logistics Network (GLN) connects to Oldcastle's trading partners to exchange information.


Understanding your options amidst shifting economic conditions may help get you back in the driver’s seat.

So, what’s the deal with transportation costs these days? That’s a question many shippers must be asking themselves as they try to deal with fewer carriers and fewer choices due to the industry consolidation that has resulted in rising prices. The answer, as one might suspect, lies in the rough road the economy has been traveling in recent years. These are challenging times for shippers, but there are ways to solve these challenges and to make sense of today’s transportation picture. As we’ll see, finding the right carriers at the right price is still possible, but it takes a bit of diligence.


Trucking rates have been relatively stable in 2013,and prices for on-the-road diesel have been flat for most of the year somewhere a few nickels or dimes North or South of $3.90. Nevertheless, many shippers are looking very hard at how they can reduce transportation costs from current levels.


"We're increasingly realizing that transportation costs are the most directly controllable expenses that we have," a vice president of supply chain for a consumer package goods company recently told SCDigest (he asked to remain anonymous).


Good travel data are essential to measure and monitor the performance of the U.S. transportation system and to help guide policy choices and investments in transportation infrastructure, according to a report from the National Research Council that calls for the creation of a national travel data program. Current data are inadequate to support decision making in the transportation sector.

“Each day our transportation network serves hundreds of millions of travelers and handles millions of tons of freight, yet we are not collecting the data necessary to analyze demands on the system,” says Joseph Schofer, chair of the committee that wrote the report and associate dean of the Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science, Northwestern University. “To help us better manage and improve our transportation system, we need federally funded core travel data well-integrated with data collected from states, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), transit agencies and private-sector data providers.”


Международный транспортно-логистический холдинг AsstrA создал новую операционную систему по управлению транспортными заказами. Ядром системы является решение Oracle Transportation Management (OTM), объединяющее лучшие мировые практики управления процессами логистических компаний.

По итогам первого этапа внедрения единая централизованная платформа для управления перевозками развернута в головном офисе холдинга в Цюрихе, Швейцария и в белорусских филиалах в Минске и Бресте. Промышленная эксплуатация ведется с осени 2010 года.
Второй этап предусматривает развертывание системы во всех офисах холдинга AsstrA в 10 странах мира. Новая корпоративная система позволит оптимизировать управление перевозками, а также даст возможность технологически развивать холдинг AsstrA для более оперативного и качественного анализа информации и оценки перспективных направлений и рынков.


Almost everyone in the supply chain community is familiar with the Gartner Magic Quadrants (MQ), short hand for the detailed vendor analyses that the analysts there do regularly across virtually every area of technology, including supply chain.


The travel, transportation and logistics industries are undergoing a global transformation in an effort to maximize revenues, increase profitability and improve operational efficiencies. At the same time, they are facing pressures from the regulatory bodies to contribute positively towards environment and comply with global "green" initiatives. Apart from stringent environmental regulations, the other motivating factor to work towards green initiative is the scope to earn carbon credits for monetary benefits.


-- Logistics Management, 12/1/2009


Historically, logistics and supply chain professionals excelled at managing the core components of transportation, including truck routing and the sourcing of air contracts; yet few of them understood the direct and indirect impact transportation management has on other parts of a business.

That's all changed. These days, it's imperative that logistics professionals gain a comprehensive understanding of how transportation management affects all areas of a company-from business strategy to finance, sales to service-in order to develop a supply chain that drives value to the bottom line.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is asking commercial food transporters to follow new guidance from the FDA to reduce the chances of physical, chemical, biological and other risks during transportation of foods while the agency reviews current food safety transportation regulations.

In an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) published in the Federal Register, the FDA has requested input on writing the new rules from all interested parties, including the food and transportation industries and consumer interest organizations. The ANPRM is the first step in creating new regulations to govern sanitary practices by shippers, carriers by motor vehicle or rail vehicle, receivers, and others engaged in the transportation of food products for people and animals.

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Logistics-GR - теория и практика логистики и транспорта

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